Bringing Together Minnesota’s Best Minds in Geriatrics Care and Education
The purpose of the Minnesota Northstar GWEP (MNGWEP) is to work in collaboration with community partners in educating and training the healthcare and supportive workforces to care for the older adults of Minnesota. Our goal in doing this is to provide Age-Friendly (AF) and Dementia-Friendly (DF) care to older adults in integrated geriatrics and primary care sites located at tribal, tribal organizational, underserved, and rural (TTOUR) settings in the state of Minnesota.
We have our mission. We have our funding and collaborators. What will follow is a carefully crafted plan for meeting our goals.
Program Objectives
Develop Reciprocal Partnerships
Develop reciprocal partnerships between academia, primary care sites/delivery systems (including nursing homes), and community organizations, to transform clinical training environments into integrated geriatrics and primary care sites/delivery systems that are age-friendly and dementia-friendly.
Provide Interprofessional Clinical Training & Education
Provide interprofessional geriatrics clinical training and education to students, residents, fellows, faculty, and preceptors in Tribal, Tribal Organizations, Underserved and/or Rural (TTOUR) primary care sites/delivery systems with the intent to have them practice in these sites upon completion of their program.
Establish Education & Training Programs
Establish and/or maintain education and training programs in TTOUR primary care sites/delivery systems that provide the supportive care workforce, direct care workers, and the primary care workforce with the knowledge and skills to improve the care of older adults, including persons living with dementia, by using innovative technology and methods.