Caregiver Support

Older woman with a caregiver companion


CarFreeMe is a program for people with memory loss who are considering retiring from driving or are acclimating to driving retirement. The program enrolls them and their supportive family member(s).

CarFreeMe is studying the effects of a coaching and educational program to support people who have memory concerns and are considering retiring from driving or are adjusting to driving retirement. The study provides telephone or video conference coaching sessions for the individual with memory loss, together with their supportive family member, as they prepare for or acclimate to driving retirement. The CarFreeMe intervention aims to share strategies for decision-making and information on alternate transportation options for adapting to driving retirement in order to promote independence and well-being.

Books and computer

See Caregiver/Patient/Family resources in the Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection, a curated collection that highlights educational and clinical resources for educators, health professionals, learners, patients, caregivers, and others interested in improving care for older adults.