Since Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia are especially challenging when caring for older adults, the Minnesota Northstar GWEP has several programs targeting these complex conditions. Through education “roadshows,” conferences, community speaking engagements, and radio spots, we are reaching out to people in all corners of our state with dementia information and support. Programs include:
- Caring For a Person With Memory Loss (CPWML), an annual conference supporting those caring for loved ones, community members, and patients with dementia.
- Dementia Educational Experience Roadshow (DEER), offering skills training and education in-person and via telehealth for patients, families, communities, and health professionals. As a “roadshow,” this program does outreach across the state.
- Public community education through Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) spots and Hippocrates Café performing arts events.
- Alter™ is a faith-based, community outreach program designed to equip African American communities with the tools needed to better support families affected by dementia.
Enhance an Evidence-based Practice Curriculum on Nursing Home Care of LGBTQ Older Adults
This newly funded project (in autumn 2022) focuses on the care of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) older adults in nursing homes. The project’s goals are to educate direct care workers among nursing staff:
Enhance an evidence-based practice curriculum on nursing home care of SGM older adults with emphasis on those living with dementia, within the context of the Age-Friendly Health Systems 4Ms Framework.
Train registered nursing students in their final year of training and CNAs on how to provide Age-Friendly and dementia-friendly nursing home care to SGM older adults.
Partner with a CNA program to enhance their culturally competent curricula to include content on SGM aging.
Partner with at least one nursing home to enhance the curricula’s experiential care learning opportunities to support recruitment and retention past graduation.