
Holding a patient's hand

These projects are affiliated with and/or sponsored by the Minnesota Northstar GWEP. Please see the resources of these outstanding partners and projects:

Kari Benson

Kari Benson, Executive Director
Minnesota Board on Aging
DHS Director of Aging and Adult Services
Represent MN Department of Human Services; advocacy and policy for older adults

Rebecca Cassidy

Rebecca Cassidy, Caregiver Representative

Kim Deroche

Kim DeRoche, MD, Director of Primary Care Service Line
Fairview Health Services
Community-based healthcare system for transforming primary care clinics to Age-Friendly sites

Roli Dwivedi

Roli Dwivedi, MD, Chief Clinical Officer and Interim CEO
Community-University Health Care Center
Primary site for interprofessional education and clinic transformation

Heidi Holste photo

Heidi Holste, MGS, Executive Director Minnesota Gerontological Society
Educate and connect to statewide geriatrics healthcare professionals and direct care workers

Maureen Kenney

Maureen Kenney, Live Well at Home Supervisor, Aging and Adult Services Division
Minnesota Board on Aging
Represents Minnesota Department of Human Services; advocacy and policy for older adults

Jane Pederson

Jane Pederson, MD, MS, Chief Medical Quality Officer
Stratis Health (State QIO)
Share expertise in Quality Improvement, capacity building, strategy, and systems change

Reena Shetty

Reena Shetty, Director
Age-Friendly MN Council
Minnesota Department of Human Services

Dawn Simonson

Dawn Simonson, MPA, President and CEO
Trellis and Dementia Friends
Advocate for promotion of dementia-friendly communities

Adam Suomala

Adam Suomala, MPA, Executive Director
Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging
Represent 30 community organizations serving older adults in Minnesota

Tom van Sternberg

Tom von Sternberg, MD, Medical Director, Community Care Systems
Medicare, MSHO
Care Management and Government Programs

Lori Vrolson

Lori Vrolson, Director of m4a
Minnesota Association of Area Agencies on Aging (m4a)
Executive Director of Central MN Council on Aging
Represent all seven state AAAs to advocate for community-based GWEP activities