Webcast - COVID-19 and Living with Dementia
COVID-19 and Living with Dementia: Maintaining Well-Being and Purpose
Free Webcast - April 17, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. (Central)
Handout of Slides
Additional resources are below.
Certificate of Attendance for Continuing Education (CEU)
Living with or caring for someone with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic presents unique challenges. This virtual panel of national and local experts will discuss these challenges and also review important strategies, tips, and resources so that the well-being and purpose of people living with dementia and those who care for them is maintained during this unprecedented pandemic. The brief presentations will focus on clinical issues for people living with dementia; family caregiver and care partner strategies; and cultural resources important to consider. The panel will also answer questions from those living with dementia or memory concerns, care partners, health professionals, or any other attendees.
Facilitator: Joe Gaugler, PhD, University of Minnesota, Robert L. Kane Endowed Chair in Long-Term Care (LTC) and Aging; Director, School of Public Health Center on Aging
Presenters: Teresa McCarthy, MD, University of Minnesota, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health; Kenneth Hepburn, PhD, Emory University, Professor, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing; Lauren J. Parker, PhD, MPH, Johns Hopkins, Assistant Scientist, Department of Health, Behavior, and Society, Bloomberg School of Public Health; Edward Ratner, MD, University of Minnesota, Associate Professor of Medicine; Associate Director, Minneapolis VA-GRECC
Clarification of webcast content:
At this time, residents with no clinical concern (e.g., no presence of symptoms consistent with COVID-19) can be discharged from a hospital to a congregate living setting following normal procedures. However, residents should be quarantined and monitored for the development of symptoms.
Objectives for this Webcast
- Identify the main clinical challenges of living with dementia during COVID-19 or similar pandemic situations;
- Summarize clinical strategies to effectively provide and deliver care to someone living with dementia during COVID-19;
- Discuss what to expect if someone living with dementia has to enter the medical system (e.g., emergency department or hospital) and how to prepare;
- Consider and adopt strategies and solutions to enhance family and professional care for people living with dementia; and
- Incorporate cultural considerations when caring for people living with dementia during COVID-19
National Resources
- COVID-19 RESOURCES: Older Adults, Caregivers, Long-term Care Facilities, and Dementia in the time of COVID-19. From the AgeWell Collaboratory, Drexel University. See the linked PDF
- Dementia Care at a Distance: Providing Quality Dementia Care While Maintaining Social Distancing.
- Webinar - Caring for Older Adults in the COVID-19 Pandemic: What We Know, What We Need to Do: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 • 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. To register go to this link.
- Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources for Older Adults, Family Caregivers and Health Care Providers (Updated 4/13). The Hartford Foundation.
- Federal, State, and Private Protections for Older Consumers Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. National Center on Law & Elder Rights.
- Caring in Times of Uncertainty: Helping Adult Children of Aging Parents Find Support webinar.
- Caregiving in a Time of Coronavirus, by Ken Hepburn at Emory University, et al. See the linked PDF
- For daily ideas of activities for stay-at-home caregivers to do with their care recipients, email [email protected] and ask to "sign up for the daily caregiver activity ideas." From Lygnblomsten Caregiver Services, St. Paul, MN.
- Informational resource list from Emory University:
- Coronavirus (COV-19) - www.coronavirus.gov
- Alzheimer’s Association
- The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
- The American Red Cross
- Emory Healthcare
- Child Mind: Talking to Kids about Coronavirus
- Emergency Preparedness: Caring for persons living with dementia in a long-term or community-based care setting. The Alzheimer's Association. See the linked PDF
- Key Points on COVID-19 and Older Adults, American Psychological Association Committee on Aging (CONA). See the linked PDF
- COVID-19 Updates from Gerontological Society of America.
- GERO Central has a compiled a great online resource related to COVID-19 for older persons, families, and care professionals.
- Dementia Action Alliance
Minnesota Resources
- Some local resources/reminders from the Minnesota-North Dakota Alzheimer's Association:
- 1) What research says about how to care for persons living with dementia in long-term or community-based care settings in times of emergencies
- Tips for Dementia Caregivers in Long-Term or Community-Based Settings: Here are some research-based tips and strategies to support people with dementia. Please feel free to share these with staff and families, You can find the information online here, as well as on this linked PDF
- 2) Resources that are available to support families who are anxious about not seeing their loved ones regularly &/or in-person
- 24/7 Helpline: In times of crisis, the professional care consultants on our 24/7 Helpline (1.800.272.3900) have often been called by long-term care staff to provide stressed families with information, as well as to facilitate conversations between family members and staff. There is no charge for this service.
- Professional Care Consultations: We can also provide this support at the local level for free in North Dakota, and for a small fee in Minnesota. Our trained care consultants have worked with thousands of individuals and families impacted by dementia, and are passionate about helping individuals, families, and long-term care staff find evidence-based solutions to caring for loved ones. To schedule one of these, please contact: Sr. Program Manager (Metro MN) Leah Challberg at [email protected] or 952.857.0523.
- Our FREE support groups have gone virtual! Right now, at least 31 of our support groups have transitioned to meeting by phone or web, and are available to support people all over Minnesota and North Dakota. As families take on more stress in this season of crisis, there are trained facilitators and seasoned dementia caregivers who are ready to support them. To sign up, please call our 24/7 Helpline (1.800.272.3900) or visit our Community Resource Finder online here.
- Our FREE community education is available online! We have five (and growing) live, online community education classes that are scheduled over the next few weeks to provide support and education. Individuals and family members can log in via web or call-in via phone to get evidence-based information about how to stay healthy and increase their caregiver competence. To sign up, please call our 24/7 Helpline (1.800.272.3900) or visit our Community Resource Finder online here.
- Connect staff with dementia care practice recommendations about meeting the informational, educational, and psychosocial support needs of persons living with dementia and their family caregivers;
- 1) What research says about how to care for persons living with dementia in long-term or community-based care settings in times of emergencies
- 3) How do we help people with dementia remain active and engaged, while also social distancing?
- This is a question we are getting frequently, and we encourage you to consider contacting our 24/7 Helpline (1.800.272.3900).
- Connect staff with dementia care practice recommendations.
- 3) How do we help people with dementia remain active and engaged, while also social distancing?
- To find local services and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic via the Minnesota Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, please click here.
- Meal support and Phone Reassurance through the Central Minnesota Council on Aging: See the linked PDF
- Helping Minnesota’s Older Adults during COVID-19. Minnesota Board on Aging: See the linked PDF